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Mental Health has always been at the heart of Talking Life’s course portfolio. We have designed, developed and delivered hundreds of courses around depression, including Depression and Young People, Depression and Older People. Our area of expertise has increased to include Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Motivational Interviewing & Suicide & Self Harm. We can also deliver Mental Health 1st Aid Accredited courses. Our trainers are mental health professionals.

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Our Mental Health Courses

Introduction to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Over the last 20 years Cognitive Behavioural Therapy has become one of the leading therapeutic interventions in the treatment of psychological conditions, which may lead to increasingly problematic physical health conditions, such as obesity and related conditions. The main aim of this course is to provide an introduction to the principles and practice of CBT for those wishing to familiarise themselves with this intervention and who may aim to use aspects of it within their daily practice. As such it does not assume knowledge of CBT by participants, however it will be assumed that participants are willing to try some of the techniques discussed, in their daily practice.

Assessing the needs of children in situations of parental alcohol /substance misuse

To provide participants with an opportunity to develop their understanding of how appropriate assessment of risk can be used to consider the impact of parental substance use on children and to plan appropriate child focused responses. Underpinning knowledge The course will be underpinned by appropriate research, theory and knowledge drawn from service user reports, serious case reviews, inspections and government inquiries.

Young Onset Dementia

As scientific and medical knowledge advances, there are increasing numbers of people in midlife being diagnosed with relatively unusual forms of dementia. Numbers will increase as diagnostic accuracy improves, and it is important to recognise the unique care needs of people diagnosed with these less common forms of dementia. This learning intervention will enable those attending to understand young onset dementia, appreciate the impact and implications for their respective client groups and apply learning to their workplace.

Chairing Sensitive Meetings

This course supports members of staff who chair a variety of different types of meetings which all have the same theme in common, they are all sensitive meetings e.g. Adult & Child Protection Meetings, Safeguarding Meetings, HR Meetings, Disciplinary Meetings, Restructuring Consultation etc.

Embracing Change

A course for participants to understand the change process as well as the pace of change and how we can control our journey positively. Also to become resilient and maintain a positive mindset throughout the whole process; to embrace and take an active part in the process every time. The course will enable participants to build the skills and confidence to enable them to self navigate through the change journey understanding how much control they have. They will develop resilience to positively embrace change and motivate themselves throughout and beyond.

Motivational Interviewing and Solution Focused Interventions

Due to the increase in the popularity of Motivational Interviewing (MI) and Solution Focussed therapy as interventions both in addictions and general health and social care practice, this Motivational interviewing training course will give practitioners the skills to engage with their clients using motivational interviewing techniques in conjunction with Solution Focussed Therapy, thereby facilitating client-led, sustainable behaviour change.

The Mindful Manager in Times of Crisis

This course helps participants understand how and why we think, feel and react to stress and to understand and practice mindful responses to stress. Mindfulness will help develop present moment awareness to see life differently, change unhelpful patterns and experience more choice. It will inject moments of stillness into times of disorder, panic, crisis. The course will enable participants to apply Mindfulness personally and professionally to reduce stress in everyday lives. The interactive session enables managers to look at difficult times and challenges, some of which we have no experience of and be able to mindfully choose and action effective plans for self and others.

Child Mental Health

This course aims to take you through all you need to know about the mental needs of children and young people including risk factors that can influence the onset of mental health issues in children The course focuses on children’s developmental needs and addresses the impact of developmental interruptions and trauma on children and young people’s mental health. We will also consider the impact of mental health issues on learning and community inclusion.


Through this course, participants will develop an awareness of Schizophrenia how best to support an individual who may be suffering with it.

Bereavement & Loss

The key aim of the bereavement training is to increase knowledge or care after death procedures, grief and bereavement (including suicide), develop an understanding in order to build confidence and enhance skills needed to work sensitively and empathically with families, carer’s and others who experience loss and grief.

Depression in Older People

Depression is not a natural process of ageing. Approximately 2-4% of the population over 65 years suffer from major depression, which reinforces that the majority do not. However, those that are depressed in this age group are often under-recognised and under-treated, especially those in residential care homes. This course focuses on recognising and managing depression in this age group which can lead to a better quality of life for both patients and carers

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy CBT

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a well evidenced psychological therapy for the treatment of common mental health problems. Delegates attending this training course will be provided with a full background and understanding of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy.

Motivational Interviewing/Solution Focused Int

Due to the increase in the popularity of Motivational Interviewing (MI) and Solution Focussed therapy as interventions both in addictions and general health and social care practice, this course will give practitioners the skills to engage with their clients using motivational interviewing techniques in conjunction with Solution Focussed Therapy, thereby facilitating client-led, sustainable behaviour change. This course is delivered over 4 half days, in virtual classroom

Trauma Informed Practice Awareness

This Trauma Informed Practice Awareness Training course focuses on Trauma Informed Practice and what the adoption of this as a core value means for service delivery and equality of access. It explores the concept of trauma, how it can remain a contributing factor throughout someone’s life and how organizations can adapt the way they offer services to become more accessible and safe for those who are trauma experienced

Youth Mental Health First Aid

Youth Mental Health First Aid (MHFA®) courses are for everyone who works with, lives with or supports young people aged 8-18. They will teach you the skills and confidence to spot the signs of mental health issues in a young person, offer first aid and guide them towards the support they need. In doing so, you can speed up a young person’s recovery and stop a mental health issue from getting worse.

Ligature Training

Working with clients or patients at risk of self-harm or attempted suicide by means of hanging or strangulation requires specific skills to enable care workers to respond appropriately. Those ‘first on scene’ need to know how to remove a ligature safely using ligature cutters as well as basic first aid which may be required This Ligature Training course provides these skills, as well as giving an overview of the physiological effects of strangulation by ligature, with an explanation of the possible types of ligature that might be used as well as explaining policies and procedures in the organisation. There is an opportunity for participants to practise techniques.

The Toxic Trio

This course will focus on the impact of the Trilogy of Risk (also known as the Toxic Trio), of domestic abuse, parental substance misuse, and parental mental health on children and multi-agency responses to working with families where this is a feature. In an analysis of 139 serious case reviews, between 2009-2011 (Brandon et al 2012), investigations showed that in over three quarters incidents (86%) where children were seriously harmed or died one or more of a “toxic trio” mental illness, substance misuse and domestic abuse played a significant part.

Suicide First Aid – Understanding Suicide Intervention (SFAUSI) (accredited)

The Suicide First Aid course gives delegates the knowledge and tools to understand that suicide is one of the most preventable deaths and some basic skills can help someone with thoughts of suicide stay safe from their thoughts and stay alive. SFA USI is comprised of 4 parts, each 90 minutes duration. The programme teaches and practices the skills and knowledge needed to identify someone who may be thinking about suicide and competently intervene to help create suicide-safety as a first aid approach. The course will enable delegates to build the skills and confidence around suicide, how to support someone who may have suicidal thoughts in seeking the appropriate help. SFA: Suicide First Aid training is underpinned by three core beliefs: Most people thinking about suicide do not want their lives to end, they want the pain to stop. Most people thinking about suicide let others know, consciously or unconsciously. Therefore… Suicide has to be one of the most preventable deaths. We limit numbers to 16 people per course so that the instructor can keep people safe and supported while they learn. No previous experience or training is necessary. Participants will be asked to self- reflect and empathise with a person having thoughts of suicide. There is no expectation on participants to share personal experiences.

Mental Health for Managers

This session is designed to raise awareness of mental health, common disorders and how to have confident conversations to help support and help improve colleagues’ mental wealth. It will be designed and run using trauma informed practice to ensure personal and psychological safety. It builds on the truth that we all have mental health and aims to put it on the same level as physical health as they are interconnected and affect each other equally. This course will build confidence in spotting early warning signs and symptoms and reframes thinking about having a ‘difficult’ conversation into feeling great that you can have a conversation to really help a colleague. It will break the stages of spotting signs, planning the approach, opening the conversation, what language to use, what not to say, open, supportive body language, the role of empathy, what questions to ask and how to ask them. It will cover what to do with the information gained positively and without fear or apprehension. What signposting to appropriate professional help or other supports is. What do I do then? Do I just walk away or monitor, where are the boundaries as a manager? How do I balance performance and wellbeing? The course will also look at a manager’s responsibilities under legislation including the Equality Act 2010. Case studies will be used to look at what has happened when cases are ignored and when they are professionally handled. Studies will include return to work, hidden, escalation of behaviours, trauma. Simulations will also be used to see, hear and feel the conversations, how to handle traumatic conversations and ensure personal safety and safeguarding for all involved.

OCD & Hoarding

This course looks at the definitions and diagnoses of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and the differences between Obsession and Compulsion, statistics, and the effect this can have on an individual, family and carers. This would lead on to variations of OCD and the approaches/treatments available as well as the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines for staff. Delegates would be introduced to the incidence of hoarding and the impact upon the individual, family and carers. Strategies will be employed so that delegates ensure the rights of the individual are maintained e.g. Duty of Care versus Philosophy of Care. The course would be paced at the level of attendees, allowing ample opportunity for questions. Continuous assessment will ensure participation of all and that expectations are being met.

Mental Health Awareness

Mental health problems are an increasing public health concern, not just in the UK but they are prevalent around the world. But despite this, many people there is less awareness than there should be about mental health and mental illness and there needs to be an improved understanding of how people can manage or recover from mental ill health and how suicide risk can be reduced. This Mental Health Awareness course aims to increase awareness and understanding, particularly amongst professionals who may regularly come into contact with people with mental ill health. The course also aims to raise awareness of how the equality act applied to mental health and about the importance of self care for mental wellbeing.

Dementia – Meaningful Activities

This one day course is designed to enable staff to provide frequent, person-centred activities for the benefit of people living with dementia, helping to build on an individual’s strengths and overcome challenges.

Depression, Anxiety and Personality Disorder

The aim of the course is to introduce the main issues which arise when working with or caring for someone who is experiencing common mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety and also those diagnosed with a personality disorder. The course will look at the nature of the most commonly diagnosed conditions and also explore the complexity of Personality Disorders, including Borderline Personality Disorder and Anti-Social Behaviour disorders amongst others.

Dementia & People with Learning Difficulties

his one day course has been developed to try and help anyone trying to support a person with learning disabilities who develops dementia. It adopts a person centred approach and provides a framework within which participants think about what they are doing and why.

Dementia Champions

Building on the Department of Health’s National Dementia Strategy and subsequent documents, this course aims to prepare people who already have a basic knowledge of Dementia Care how to be a local Dementia Champion.

Bereavement and Loss

The key aim of the Bereavement and Loss Training is to increase knowledge or care after death procedures, grief and bereavement (including suicide), develop an understanding in order to build confidence and enhance skills needed to work sensitively and empathically with families, carer’s and others who experience loss and grief.

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a behavioural disorder that includes symptoms such as inattentiveness, hyperactivity and impulsiveness. Symptoms tend to be noticed at an early age but most cases are diagnosed when children are between 6 and 12 years old. The symptoms of ADHD usually improve with age, but many adults who were diagnosed with the condition at a young age continue to experience problems. This course gives a better understanding of ADHD and support strategies for children and young people.

Autism – Intermediate Level

This 2 day programme has been designed for teams of workers supporting people on the Autism Spectrum with complex support needs. It aims to help participants gain a greater understanding of the Autism Spectrum and the need for team consistency and resilience to support people effectively. In a relaxed and informal atmosphere, the following will be covered: The key characteristics of the autism spectrum including the DSM IV and DSM V overviews The emergence of theories of causation as the incidence of Autism either increase or our awareness of its presentation grows Ways of helping including consideration of capacity, capability and risk management Person centred responses based on observation and appreciation of the person being supported The need for team consistency to support the wellbeing of people living with autism Ways of supporting team resilience through effective team communication

Suicide & Self Harm

Deliberate Self-Harm is now a major problem in the UK, where it currently accounts for about 10% of health service admissions. At the same time there is a government-led focus on reducing the suicide rate (in men under 50 suicide is the largest killer) in the UK by a fifth. How do we differentiate between active suicidal behaviour and DSH? How can we think and intervene helpfully in a range of such situations? This one day course will focus on the whole spectrum of DSH/Suicidal behaviour, to increase confidence in working with this challenging client group.

Section 117 Awareness

Many individuals with mental illnesses have never had their aftercare provision reviewed. This aftercare is for needs arising from their mental illness alone and only for those detained under Section 3 and 37 of the Mental Health Act 1983. As funding bites in current times, local authorities and health organisations are becoming keener on reviewing this issue to establish whether the aftercare is still needed. This half day programme aims to give participants an insight into section 117 of the Mental Health Act 1983 and the recommendations for social care legislation made by the Law Commission in March 2011. It looks at the purpose of s 117 and the issues for discharging individuals from the section as well as the relationship with Continuing Health Care funding.

Mindfulness – Bitesize

A short session for participants to understand how and why we think, feel and react to stress and to understand and practise mindful responses to stress. Mindfulness will help develop present moment awareness to see life differently, change unhelpful patterns and experience more choice. The course will enable candidates to apply Mindfulness personally and professionally to reduce stress in everyday lives

Mental Health Act

Mental Health Act Course Overview The main aim of this course is to develop and enhance knowledge and understanding of non specialist practitioners in relation to Mental Health Act powers and responsibilities. Understanding the main legislation relevant to Mental Health Law, together with the functions and powers contained in key sections of the Mental Health Act are key components. The course also helps participants to understand the role of the Approved Mental Health Practitioner (AMHP).


This course will enable participants to apply Mindfulness personally and professionally to reduce stress in everyday life, to understand how and why we think, feel and react to stress and to understand and practise mindful responses to stress. Mindfulness will help develop present moment awareness to see life differently, change unhelpful patterns and experience more choice.

Dealing with Distressed People

This course will look at working with distressed and difficult clients by developing awareness of the issues involved when sharing information in a highly emotive and challenging setting. Delegates will develop an understanding of the impact, on both the giver and receiver, of support and information and explore tried and tested ways of communicating with distressed people and identify the most appropriate strategies.

Depression Awareness

A programme for candidates to develop an awareness of what depression is, what causes it and to understand the impact of stress and the importance of a good foundation. They will develop an understanding of what resilience is and how to develop it to reduce the impact of depression

Bouncing Back! How to be Resilient in the Workplace

Stress affects significant numbers of the working population in a UK workplace which is becoming increasingly demanding. This Resilience Training course, will help individuals to understand how and why we think, feel and react to stress and to understand and practise mindful responses to increase resilience. The course will enable participants to apply Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence techniques to reduce stress in their everyday lives. It will also help to understand and communicate with others better to change patterns of behaviour and overcome self-limitations

Mental Health First Aid (Accredited)

The brand new 2023 two-day certificated programme for candidates to become Mental Health First Aiders, certified by MHFA England aims to allow participants to gain an awareness of Mental Health disorders, the different types of mental disorder, the causes of mental disorder, and the symptoms to look out for and actions to take. The course will identify the statistics of mental health disorders, it will cover suicide and self-harm and how to support someone with suicidal ideas or carrying out self-harm. It will enable participants to have the skills and confidence around mental health disorders, how to support someone who may have a mental health disorder in seeking the appropriate help and will endeavour to put mental health on the same footing as physical health in the workplace.

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