Robin Watts

Robin Watts is an experienced independent safeguarding trainer and consultant specialising in delivering child protection training to local authorities, schools, charities and other organisations nationally and internationally. He has delivered safeguarding training in over 80 countries and is a former Metropolitan Police detective, where he spent 10 years working in the child abuse unit, as a child abuse investigator and instructor/trainer.


Robin delivers training to police officers and social workers on all aspects of child abuse investigations, including courses on Forensic Interviewing of Children (ABE), Joint investigation course, Section 47 C.A. 1989 (significant harm) training, assessment skills training, radicalisation, FGM, forced marriage and the like. He has delivered child abuse awareness training to staff who have contact with children in numerous organisations such as schools, charities and volunteer organisations as well as delivering advanced training to ‘Designated’ staff. Robin specialises in dealing with child abuse investigations in the context of international schools all over the world as well as advising on Child Protection Procedures, Policies and Practices.


He predominately trains in children’s and adults safeguarding courses at all levels.


A gifted and popular trainer, Robin’s courses are consistently highly rated.