Quality | Innovative | Training


Employees in a variety of roles are required to visit customers in their own homes to interview them to gather information. Individuals may be reluctant to divulge information and become frustrated. This session provides participants required to undertake this process with the appropriate skills to ask effective questions whilst employing assertive but non-confrontational language, tone and body language. The course will also explore non-physical de-escalation techniques should an employee encounter a particularly confrontational individual.

Who is Visitor Training aimed at?

Anyone in whatever role who is required to visit customers or clients in their own homes to interview them to gather information

Course Length

1 day

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, participants will:-

  • Have an awareness of situations where/when conflict may arise and the most common causes of conflict between individuals
  • Know what they need to do in confrontational situations using real video-based scenarios for analysis and discussion
  • Be aware of body language, verbal and non-verbal communication and the impact it can have on the customer/client
  • Know how to reduce the risk of, or if necessary remove themselves to protect their personal safety when or if a situation occurs
  • How and when to end an interview/visit due to the escalation of the situation
  • Know how to interview customers in order to gain the relevant information whilst maintaining a positive relationship
  • Know how to ask appropriate questions, in which situations – which types of questions are ethical and which could be considered manipulative
  • Be able to explain and demonstrate effective listening and observational skills including the importance of objectivity, patience, attentiveness and responsiveness through a series of video-based observational tasks
  • The ability to note main issues, reject irrelevancies and recognise assumptions, prejudices, bias and other factors of influence
  • Be able to explain why jargon should not be used and which terms are acceptable/unacceptable in particular situations
  • Know and be able to describe the importance of not making assumptions about what customers know and don’t know concerning the organisation’s procedures

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