Joy is a Qualified Social Worker, currently practising as an Independent Social Worker and Trainer. Joy started her professional career in children’s safeguarding services where she spent 10 years before moving into the fostering sector. Joy is an experienced social care and fostering manager with a strategic approach to service development. She has a particular interest in enhancing the quality of supervision in Social Work.
Joy became an Independent Social Worker in 2019. Alongside delivering training; Joy undertakes fostering and parenting/PAMS assessments; she is a fostering panel chair and IRO, and works with foster carers through allegations procedures.
Joy develops and delivers training to Social Workers, Managers, Foster Panels and other Social Care professionals on a range of subjects including supervision skills, parenting assessments and children’s participation. She provides training to fostering services and their foster carers in many areas such as radicalisation, encouraging independence, and supporting family time.