Quality | Innovative | Training


The course will look in detail at how adults with learning disabilities can be best supported in all aspects of their sexuality and sexual identity. The day will include discussion, group work and other learning activities. The course raises awareness of issues of personal relationships and sexuality and will allow delegates to explore and share their concerns

Who is Sexuality & Learning Disability aimed at?

Anyone working with people with Learning Disability

Course Length

1 day

Learning Outcomes

On completion of the course, participants will be able to: 

• Define what is meant by the term human sexuality.

• Define what can influence perception of sexuality.

• Describe the issues surrounding sexuality in Learning disabilities.

• Describe some of the potential barriers people with learning disabilities face when expressing sexuality.

• Describe key legislation and government guidelines relating to issues of sexuality.

• Describe the role of policies and procedures that can protect staff members and the people we support.

• Describe the staff member’s roles and responsibilities relating to sexuality support.

• Define what is meant by sexual health and education.

• Describe ways whereby information can be passed on to the person supported in an appropriate manner.

• Know where to seek further information and resources.

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