Quality | Innovative | Training


The Care Act states that the review should be person centred, outcome (not service) focused and accessible and proportionate to the needs being met and that plans must be kept generally under review. Reviews need to consider what outcomes have been achieved, what has worked and has not worked, changes to support networks, whether any changes are required and whether eligibility criteria are still met. The course will include an overview of the strengths based approach, that the process is outcome focused, proportionate and person centred with an emphasis on promoting wellbeing and prevention and that it abides with public law principles.

Who is Reviews aimed at?

Adult social care staff

Course Length

1 day

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this half day programme, delegates will be able to: -

  • Utilise a strengths based approach
  • Distinguish between reviews, revisions and reassessments
  • Identify the purpose of a review
  • Ensure that all aspects of involvement have been explored in the review process
  • Identify the essential components of a review
  • Know the three different routes to review
  • Ensure the adult still meets the eligibility threshold
  • Confidently complete a review
  • Identify and record evidence in decision making


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