Quality | Innovative | Training


This Ordinary Residence Training course will develop or refresh knowledge of the law around Ordinary Residence and its role in establishing local authority responsibility for an individual’s social care needs

Who is Ordinary Residence aimed at?

Anyone working in adult social care and transitions services

Course Length

a half day

Learning Outcomes

To know where to find the main legislation and guidance relating to Ordinary Residence

To refresh and update knowledge in the light of relevant case law and determinations by the Secretary of State

To understand a council’s responsibilities towards those Ordinarily Resident in their area and what duties OR does and does not affect

To understand how Ordinary Residence can be determined in straightforward situations and the council’s responsibilities where an adult has no settled residence

To understand the specific issues that may arise when a child is transitioning to adult services and turning 18

To understand the importance and implications of Mental Capacity in relation to Ordinary Residence

To develop understanding of how to identify a person’s Ordinary Residence in accordance with the law in a range of more complex situations (including the interface between OR and s117 aftercare, and prisons)

To be able to apply knowledge of OR in a range of everyday situations 

To know what to do when Ordinary Residence is in dispute with another council

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