Quality | Innovative | Training


To increase confidence of practitioners in engaging ‘fathers’ in children’s safeguarding work; and raise and reinforce awareness of the importance of engaging ‘fathers’ to secure better outcomes for children. ‘Fathers’ = “Biological or other father-figures” (Daniel & Taylor 2001)

Who is Engagement of Fathers and Significant Males in Child Protection aimed at?

Childrens Social Care Staff

Course Length

1 day

Learning Outcomes

Participants should leave with:-

  • An enhanced understanding/knowledge of the issues for both professionals and fathers in children’s safeguarding work
  • A firmer grasp of the research/theory base on the benefits (or otherwise) for children of being ‘father-inclusive’
  • An idea of the ways services and organisations could be adapted to secure better professional practice in this area
  • Increased awareness of the skills, qualities, support and ‘tools’ professionals need to develop to work successfully with fathers
  • A reminder that best practice has a statutory base - recent case law involving ‘parental responsibility’ and ‘engaging men’ fairly in safeguarding and other processes.

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