Quality | Innovative | Training


The Care Act 2014 aims to put people at the centre of their care and support and maximise their involvement. Helping people achieve the outcomes that matter in their lives is seen as essential to promoting wellbeing in the transition towards end of life. Advance Care Planning is critical to these outcomes.

Who is End of Life Care – Advanced Care Planning aimed at?

Anyone in health and social care working with people who are at the end of their lives.

Course Length

1 day

Learning Outcomes

Pn completion of this practical course, participants will have:

  • clarified the national and local framework for end of life care including Advance Care Planning
  • widened their understanding of the transition into end of life, and
  • explored the psychological and emotional support needs for people in end of life, with a particular focus on loss and grief.

With a mix of interactive and experiential learning, it will increase the confidence and abilities of health and social care professionals working with clients at the end of their life. There will be an emphasis on how to put knowledge into practice including frameworks for the challenging conversations that need to take place to provide the information and support necessary for ensuring an individual’s views, wishes, feelings and beliefs are taken into account.

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