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Almost 19,000 children have been identified as sexual exploitation victims in England according to the National Crime Agency. The “Tackling child sexual abuse strategy” (Feb 2021) is the first of its kind outlining the Government’s vision for preventing, tackling, and responding to child sexual abuse in all its forms. The strategy emphasises the need for everyone to play their part… “… across every part of Government, across all agencies, all sectors, charities, communities, technology companies and society more widely” The aim of this course is to for delegates to gain knowledge and awareness of the issues and complexities of CSE, understand vulnerabilities of children and young people and stages of sexual grooming and different forms of exploitation and to identify appropriate safeguarding action and know how to recognise, respond, report, and refer.

Who is Child Sexual Exploitation aimed at?

Local Authority Social care and Children’s Service workers, workers from Children’s Homes, VCFS (Voluntary, Community and Faith Sector), Foster Carers, Youth Offending Teams, Youth Service workers and educational establishments

Course Length

1 Day

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:-

  • understand forms of exploitation and the process of grooming.
  • identify signs and indicators of abuse.
  • understand the vulnerabilities of children and young people.
  • understand the significance of social media and online grooming.
  • identify barriers and complexities of disclosure.
  • identify “reachable” and “critical” moments and the importance of early intervention.
  • know how to recognise, respond, report, and refer CSE issues.
  • understand the importance of language and victim blaming.

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