Quality | Innovative | Training


To provide participants with an opportunity to develop their understanding of how appropriate assessment of risk can be used to consider the impact of parental substance use on children and to plan appropriate child focused responses. Underpinning knowledge The course will be underpinned by appropriate research, theory and knowledge drawn from service user reports, serious case reviews, inspections and government inquiries.

Who is Assessing the needs of children of substance and/or alcohol misusing parents aimed at?

Those working in Children's Social Care

Course Length

1 day

Learning Outcomes

Participants will have been offered the opportunity to:

  • Differentiate between different drugs, their effects and potential impact on parenting capacity
  • consider how attitudes and values may affect our responses where parents are using drugs and/or alcohol
  • consider research findings which identify the impact of parental substance use on children, and to use this research to inform an assessment of need consider factors to take into account when assessing parents who use drugs and/or alcohol and how this can be included in effective, child focused plans
  • consider approaches more likely to engage parents in addressing drug/alcohol problems
  • consider how to promote effective multi-agency networking to inform the assessment process.

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